Setup multiple github emails on a single machine
How to handle multiple github emails linked to the same github account, for example if you have a personal email used to manage your personal projects and you have a professional email for work or something else, it’s ideal to use each account on the correct place, but sometimes it can be tedious!
Directory Separatation
While you could configure the email and username for each repo:
git config "personal"
git config ""
a directory separatation is a better option in this case, what I mean here is that you need to create /work
and /personal
or just /work
and consider any other directory as personal.
Change the global configs in : ~/.gitconfig
to use another .gitconfig
in the work directory:
; the global config
name = personal
email =
editor = 1
; the work dir
[includeIf "gitdir:~/work/"]
path = ~/work/.gitconfig
helper = cache --timeout=3600
editor = nvim
autocrlf = input
Add the specific configs in the ~/work/.gitconfig
name = Work
email =
editor = 1
signingkey = 57A1D460DSFMK210
gpgsign = true
Bonus : Signing the commits
Follow the documentations from github to sign your commits and get the verified badge: here
If you used a passphrase when creating a gpg key, make sure to cache it to avoid writing it each time you commit a message!
Edit the gnupg config : ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
# cache for 2 days
default-cache-ttl 172800
max-cache-ttl 172800
And reload : gpgconf --reload gpg-agent
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